
Everyday we offer a different WOD to our members at CrossFit Noord. WOD stands for Workout Of the Day. To track your fitness and progression, certain WOD’s will be provided multiple times throughout the year. This way you can compare yourself, to yourself a few months back!

Our classes are given in a time slot of 55-60 minutes where you, together with the rest of the class and under the guidance of a qualified CrossFit coach will be working on your fitness.

Besides our regular Daily WOD’s CrossFit Noord also offers different speciality classes. These classes all have a specific part of CrossFit to develop your skills and drills in this speciality. A brief overview of all our classes will be provided below.

Check our SportBit app to sign up and join one of our classes.

Buddycompetiton bij CrossFit Noord te Groningen

Our Olympic lifting classes are all about two main lifts: the Clean and Jerk and the Snatch. These are complex movements which are programmed often in the sport of CrossFit.

During this class you will have full focus on learning the techniques of these movements and developing strength and speed to benefit from during the Olympic lifts.

During gymnastics class the main focus is to develop movements involving your own bodyweight. Learning skills and drills to get proficiency during daily WOD’s with any gymnastics movement. Handstand walking, butterfly pull ups, muscle ups, double unders and many more bodyweight movements are covered in the gymnastics programming.

Our endurance classes consist of workouts with a longer time domain, somewhere in the 30-40 minute area. Before the workouts starts, a proper warm-up will be done and provided of course (as in any class).

During this class the main focus is to improve your cardiovascular endurance. The movements are usually not as complex and performed at a lighter weight. One hour of endurance class will give you a good sweat!

Every Sunday at CrossFit Noord we host partner WOD’s. This means the WOD will be done in couplets or trios. These classes are all about comradery and fun, pushing each other to get the most out of the class.

The perfect training for a Sunday morning.

CrossFit Teens is especially for teenagers from 12 to 17 years old, even without sports experience. You use weights, rowers, ropes and your own body weight.

Not boring standing on a treadmill, but lifting, jumping, hanging and climbing. This way you become stronger, fitter and faster.

At CrossFit Noord there’s a lot of possibilities to train for yourself in our Open Gym. When there’s no class, the entire gym is yours! There will always be a coach present to help you if needed, but open gym is just for free training without guidance.

In our schedule you can find that we have a lot of open gym hours, with limited spots available during busier hours on the day.